Thursday, June 23, 2011

Abandon ship, scramble to save your own skin......

I was swept away with defeat, I was all teary, I was exhausted mentally, stretched emotionally, physically tired and spiritually losing faith. However, not defeated!

Catching up with my Europe sister in-law, we are going through similar destruction of our life, by the same family we married into and are getting out of.

I was crying so much inside literally because of the above, however I cannot cry out physically. I had to deal with the
1) legal system, all these monies I have spent on lawyers, and they did not represent me fully, now I am representing myself, I have to present my situation to the court, which the previous lawyers were suppose to do, but did not........
2) day to day reality of survival, I am forced tore invent myself and I cannot afford not to succeed, and risk I cannot afford to care for my 3 children. All 3 children are affected, they do not have me by them as I had to work 24/7.
3)I had to show to the court, and relive the abuse, the intimidation, the blackmail and extortion, before and during the settlement agreement of marital property.

I also have to witness, how my discharge lawyer scramble to save themselves as the SA once again intimidate me this time using the justice system.