Just finish dealing with SA legal intimidation, sent through defence notice. Again just having to deal with all this, means I have to divert my energy and resource away from what matters most now for me, daily routines are disrupted, this create back log in my present world with kids and work.
How did I fare?
Check the ROC, my rights is 3/4 reinstated. My shares to my companies are restored, however my directorship is not.
Yes, more work to chase this up, means more resources and energy get "sap" out. At least proves the legal system did work for this instance. No time to ponder now, had I once again engage legal counsel, would it have given this result? No one knows......I did not take that path.
Now, I await to hear back, and hope my defence for my rights to address the inequality force by SA onto me could be address. See if the legal system works, tha I do have a chance to address this.
How did I cope with the stress, better this time round. The extortion and harrassment and blackmail are at "arms length", now and forever, I do dare to hope.
Currently, the legal system is put to test, whilst I am still at the mercy of the "selected people" who represents the legal system. Will they allow a fair hearing to proceed? or Will they not allow it?
For now, I need to come back to my reality of daily living, I have 3 children to look after, help them to heal, to grow, to distinguish the right from wrong, and let them grow into themselves to be a positive addition to society and promote positiveness for society as whole and for themselves get closure of the abusive childhood they have had from SA.