Thursday, June 9, 2011

Heighten sense........what am I to do with it....

This heighten sense. Feels like another event is nearing again, which I have to deal with.
Today, I have to deal with another "scumbag" real estate agent by profession. That is the heighten sense I am experiencing, not a very nice sense to experience.
Cannot shake it off, wishful fact that I can shake it off. Know the only way to shake the heighten sense is to deal with it.
What good is it, being able to sense harm coming our way, when I cannot prevent it from coming our way. My survival mode is only to protect my three musketeer and to provide for them. They gave me strength to face the on slaughter from "scum bag" that prey and make victim of hardworking peaceful people.
The outcome will be I will survive, with another scar to remind me, why the hermit existence is so attractive for my sense's.
I have lived through a lifetime and over from my experience of a "scum bag" with a nature spilling over with deceits, compulsive liar, manipulative and predatory nature, day in day out.

I am doing mind bath with "crysanthenum flower" to cleanse such dreadful thoughts that just was filled with horrid memories, also will bath it over my heighten the pure can be restored.

No one should go through what I had gone through and am going through...............................